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(1 edit) (+1)

would like the controls to be more clear, i don’t get how placing them works and how i got a “tainted yellow gem”

(have not solved it yet)

wait, what’s the win condition here? i thought it was getting the things to the other side


ah never mind, solved it.

(1 edit)

I'm at the situation you are at. How do I win after I moved them all to the other side?

If the solution is ending over here, I was able to do that. (The puzzle must have been recently edited to make ending over here slightly harder. See the extra dark square added compared to your image.) So why isn't the puzzle considered solved?

(2 edits)
spoiler you're supposed to get the boxes to their targets to get them solved. the targets are the small squares like in classic run of the mill puzzlescript sokobans.

Thanks so much!! Also, how do you do spoilers on this website?

you need to enable markdown input in your profile settings then you can type more complex text. type:

<summary>spoiler heading</summary>
christmas presents are bought by your parents

to get

spoiler heading christmas presents are bought by your parents

I unfortunately played this before and thought I had won. fortunately I had not.


oh man this is such a great take on that classic puzzle, and i love all the references to it. really fun twists


There, finally beat the... [checks notes] ACT OF BAD WAGON BAGEL.

(In fact, working out the anagram was surprisingly helpful in solving!)


I like how even when you think you've figured it out it still finds a way to change that :D 

(1 edit) (+2)

I have defeated.. *checks notes*


edit: revised anagram guess now that I'm playing it all official-like

Cabbage, Goat And Wolf?

Unless, that is, it's another hit number from Cow Goat Fleabag Band..

Cabbage goat and wolf seems correct

Looking at it closely (rot13) Gur jnl jr cvpx hc naq yrnir gur trzf pbeerfcbaq jvgu gur fgrcf gb gung evqqyr

there's no win


there seems to be two requirements for the win condition — if I'm guessing correctly then the one you're missing just requires you to do something very standard sokoban in the middle of the level.

why am I goat?

What is that move? I've gotten all the colors over and the game isn't over.

hint: where do the boxes (as opposed to the colors) belong in traditional sokoban.. have you moved them to their targets?

Deleted 76 days ago

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